
Miroslava Remenárová

Chair of the Board, British Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia and Corporate Affairs Manager, Jaguar Land Rover Slovakia

Miroslava has been working at the Nitra plant of the largest British carmaker since September 2018 and is responsible for institutional relations, communication between the company and employees and the public, and social responsibility projects. She has more than 20 years of experience with international companies in various industries in reputation-building, employee engagement and marketing. She is a member of the Executive Committee of the Association of the Automotive Industry, the Economic Committee of the Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Arbitration Commission of the Advertising Council and since autumn 2020 she has been the Chair of the Board of the British Chamber of Commerce ’ whose activities focus on building cooperation within industry, developing the business environment, educational economy and long-term sustainable development.

Miroslava Remenárová, manažérka pre firemné záležitosti, Jaguar Land Rover Slovakia

V nitrianskom závode najväčšej britskej automobilke pôsobí od septembra 2018 a je zodpovedná za inštitucionálne vzťahy, komunikáciu firmy so zamestnancami a s verejnosťou a projekty spoločenskej zodpovednosti. Má viac ako 20 rokov skúseností v oblasti budovania reputácie, angažovanosti zamestnancov a marketingu v medzinárodných firiem rôznych priemyselných odvetví. Je členkou Výkonného výboru Zväzu automobilového priemyslu, Ekonomického výboru Slovenskej obchodnej a priemyselnej komory, Arbitrážnej komisie Rady pre reklamu a od jesene 2020 sa stala predsedkyňou predstavenstva Britskej obchodnej komory. Jej aktivity sa zameriavajú na budovanie spolupráce v rámci priemyslu, rozvoj podnikateľského prostredia, vzdelanostnú ekonomiku a dlhodobo udržateľný rozvoj.


Radúz Dula

Director General, Section of Tourism, Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic

Raduz is in the hospitality industry since 1999, including tourism, gastronomy, sport events but mainly hospitality industry. Alumni of University of Applied Sciences in Krems an der Donau, Austria major in tourism and leisure time management. Raduz has experience from most hotel positions in Slovakia, Austria and USA. Worked for international chains Radisson, Intercontinental, Vienna House and Lindner Hotels. In Bratislava he was part of the opening team of Radisson Blu Carlton Hotel (2001), Chopin Hotel (2009) and Lindner Hotel (2013). He uses also his free time for hospitality. Raduz was between 2010 and 2020 Board Member of AHRS (Slovak Hotels and Restaurants Association), and a grounding member of Slovak Tourism Association, where he served as Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and previously Vicepresident between 2011 and 2020. Raduz is also a proud member of Rotary Club Bratislava. Since april 2020 as civil servant – Director General Tourism Section of Ministry of Transportation and Construction of the Slovak Republic.

Andreas Schuster

Cluster General Manager, Ensana Health Spa Hotels, Slovenské liečebné kúpele Piešťany and Smrdáky

Andreas is a veteran in Hospitality, graduating from Hotel school in Bad Gleichenberg, Austria in 1986. Throughout his 35 years of professional career he gained experience working on 3 continents in 14 countries – Austria, Switzerland, China, Hungary, Bermuda, Portugal just to name few. From 2006 – 2011 Andreas served as Board of Director member in SLKP, while he was Vice-President of Operation of Danubius Hotel Group, Budapest. In May 2019 he re-joint SLKP in the role of Cluster General Manager for Slovakia, in charge all Ensana Hotels & health spas in Piestany and Smrdaky.

Michael Tmej

Chairman of the Board and Managing Director, Vienna International Beteiligungsmanagement Gmbh, Košice Airport

Started the career at Vienna International Airport in 1982 in ground handling, later responsible as senior executive vice-president in the non-aviation business for car parking, retail, advertising and others. Parallel working as a consultant in international activities of Vienna International Airport. From 2005 to 2012 managing director of Vienna Aircraft Handling (VIP, general aviation and special projects), from 2012 managing director for Vienna airport international business organization and working as chairman of supervisory board/CEO and chairman of management board of Kosice International Airport.

Martin Volek

Vice Chairman, Bratislava Tourist Board

Martin Volek is an expert in tourism, professionally engaged in this area for more than 10 years. He founded the incoming travel agency Plus Tour, which mainly focused on Russian and Ukrainian tourists. In 2015, he became the Chairman of the Chamber of Travel Agencies and Guides in Bratislava and subsequently a Member of the Supervisory Board of BTB (Bratislava Tourist Board). After two years at the position at the Supervisory Board, he became a member of the BTB Board of Directors. Since 2020, he holds a position of Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors.
He is an expert in digital marketing and a Google Certified Trainer. Martin teaches tourism and digital marketing at the University of Economics in Bratislava and his PhD thesis was on the topic "Activation of International Tourism of the Slovak Republic with the Russian Federation". In his free time he likes to travel what is reflected on more than 80 countries he visited.

Martin Volek je odborníkom na cestovný ruch, profesne sa mu venuje vyše 10 rokov. Založil incomingovú cestovnú agentúru Plus Tour, ktorá sa predovšetkým koncentrovala na ruských a ukrajinských turistov. V roku 2015 sa stal predsedom komory cestovných kancelárií a sprievodcov v Bratislave, následne členom dozornej rady BTB (Bratislava Tourist Board). Po dvoch rokoch pôsobenia v dozornej rade sa stal členom predstavenstva BTB. Od roku 2020 zastáva pozíciu podpredsedu predstaventsva.
Je odborníkom na digitálny marketing a Google certifikovaným trénerom. Martin prednáša cestovný ruch a digitálny marketing na Ekonomickej Univerzite v Bratislave a jeho PhD práca bola na tému ''Aktivizácia medzinárodného cestovného ruchu Slovenskej Republiky s Ruskou federáciou''. Vo voľnom čase rád cestuje, čo sa odráža vo viac ako 80 krajinách, ktoré navštívil.

Marek Harbuľák

President, Slovak Tourism Association

Closing Remarks

Hajni Hayler

Executive Director, British Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic

Hajni has been the Executive Director of the British Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia since February 2020. She is passionate about sustainability and helping businesses to seize the opportunities in green growth. Before joining the Chamber, Hajni had over 20 years of experience in business; working at Childrensalon, a leading UK online luxury children’s clothing company, Citibank and founded her own award-winning business Kiddie Bikes as a young mother. She also led the organisation of Royal and Prime Ministerial visits while working at the British Embassy in Budapest.