Nigel Baker (HM Ambassador at the British Embassy)

Nigel Baker

HM Ambassador at the British Embassy

Mr Ambassador Nigel Baker - Honorary President of the British Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic

Nigel took up his appointment as British Ambassador to Slovakia in August 2020. In this role he represents Her Majesty The Queen and the UK government in the Slovak Republic.
Nigel joined the FCO (now FCDO) in 1989. Previous roles in London include desk officer for Tunisia and Libya in the Near East and North Africa Department, and Head of the European Defence and Security team in Security Policy Department. He was posted to Prague in 1992 and transferred to Bratislava from 1993-6 following the separation of Czechoslovakia. From 2000-03 Nigel was Assistant Private Secretary to The Prince of Wales, supporting HRH with his international engagements and visits including his visit to the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2000. He was also Deputy Head of Mission in Havana from 2003-6. He was also Head of the Foreign Office’s Latin America Department for 3 years before serving a short period as Head of the FCO’s COVID Joint Action Coordination Team. He served as British Ambassador to the Holy See from 2011-16, and British Ambassador to Bolivia from 2007-11.

Nigel Baker, britský veľvyslanec na Slovensku
Nigel nastúpil na pozíciu britského veľvyslanca na Slovensku v auguste 2020. V tejto funkcii reprezentuje jej veličenstvo kráľovnú a vládu Spojeného kráľovstva na Slovensku.
Nigel začal pracovať pre britské ministerstvo zahraničných vecí (FCDO) v roku 1989. V Londýne pracoval ako referent pre Tunisko a Líbyu na Odbore pre Blízky východ a severnú Afriku a vedúci tímu európskej obrany a bezpečnosti na Odbore bezpečnostnej politiky. V roku 1992 bol vyslaný do Prahy a po rozdelení Československa sa v rokoch 1993-6 presunul do Bratislavy. V rokoch 2000-03 bol Nigel asistentom súkromného tajomníka Princa z Walesu a podporoval jeho kráľovské veličenstvo pri jeho medzinárodných angažmánoch a návštevách, vrátane jeho návštevy v Českej a Slovenskej republike v roku 2000. V rokoch 2003 - 2006 bol zástupcom vedúceho misie v Havane. V rokoch 2011–16 pôsobil ako britský veľvyslanec pri Svätej stolici a v rokoch 2007–11 ako britský veľvyslanec v Bolívii. Tri roky tiež pracoval ako vedúci odboru pre Latinskú Ameriku a potom krátko pôsobil aj ako vedúci koordinačného tímu ministerstva pre jednotnú COVID akciu.

Ing. Peter Blaškovitš (CEO of SIEA)

Ing. Peter Blaškovitš


He has been leading the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA) since June 2020. The SIEA covers a wide range of activities from projects focused on innovative solutions, energy efficiency to the use of renewable energy sources.
Before joining SIEA, he served as Director-General of the National Center for Health Information (NCZI) for four years. Under his leadership, a large-scale eHealth project has been launched, which is the basis for electronic healthcare. For this project, he received the ITAPA 2019 award in the category of the best digitization project of the Slovak company.
In the past, he worked as an IT consultant and manager in Austria, Australia and the Middle East and headed the information technology department of Slovenská pošta (Slovak Post Office).

Christopher LaRue (Director, Head of Industrial Agency at Savills CZ s.r.o)

Christopher LaRue

Director, Head of Industrial Agency at Savills CZ s.r.o

Chris leads an industrial team responsible for the Czech and Slovak markets, with 16 years of experience in the real estate and industrial sector including more than ten years on the agency side and nearly five years in manufacturing and ecommerce.
His main focus is providing strategies and advice tailored directly to his real estate clients who are both occupiers and developers. His focus is primarily industrial leasing as well as building and land sales.
 Represented Marmon Foodservice Technology in the acquisition of approximately 12,000 sqm of modern production area in Panattoni Park Brno Airport, Brno, CZ
 Represented Ranpak in the expansion of their warehouse and manufacturing footprint in Plzen, CZ
 Represented Fastenal Europe with the expansion and relocation of approximately 2,500 sqm of manufacturing space to CTPark Brno Lisen, CZ
 Represented Impulse Logistics with the acquisition of approximately 8,200 sqm of warehouse space in P3 Lovosice, CZ.
Chris joins Savills from US technical power solutions firm, where he was operations and international sales manager. Amongst others, he was responsible for the European distribution center in Prague and for the company’s international sales performance in EMEA and APAC. Before that, Chris was an associate partner in the industrial team of an international real estate company, also based in Prague.