Event Details

Join us at the special event in the occasion of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work (April 28th).

Learn about well-being initiatives and best practices from our members Jaguar Land Rover Slovensko and Asseco CEIT.

Share best practises with us.


Workshop and exclusive plant tour in a state-of-art Jaguar Land Rover plant in Nitra, home of iconic Land Rover Defender and Discovery.

This is our first event where we will combine besides presentation also opportunity to see how theory is translated into the practice!

Visit the premises of the Jaguar Land Rover Slovensko plant and learn from its OH&S experts about their initiatives and best practices in terms of well-being and employees health protection. Our patron member has prepared also exclusive plant tour and thus you will be able to see how Land Rover Defender and Discovery are built.

The webinar focused on Noise Analysis at Workplaces and its benefits, by our member Asseco CEIT, a.sโ€‹. as a professional guarantor, will be also a part of the event.

Format: in person & combined with webinar

Venue: Jaguar Land Rover, Nitra, Discovery Meeting Room

Participation fee for personal presence to be applied.

Members: 39 โ‚ฌ, VAT excluded.

Non-members: 79 โ‚ฌ, VAT excluded.

Number of participants of workshop in Jaguar Land Rover premises is limited due to maximum number of visitors during plant tour.


Registration open until April 15, 2023.


07:45 - 08:25
Arrival, registration
Breakfast served
08:30 - 08:40
Opening Speech
08:40 - 09:25
Plant Tour
09:25 - 09:55
Discussion Forum
Introduction into the topic: World OH&S Day to be celebrated on April 28.- Martin Cibula, Health & Wellbeing Manager and Mariรกn Oฤenรกลก, Safety & Risk Manager, both from Jaguar Land Rover wil...
Introduction into the topic: World OH&S Day to be celebrated on April 28.

- Martin Cibula, Health & Wellbeing Manager and Marián Oฤenáš, Safety & Risk Manager, both from Jaguar Land Rover will present best practices and well-being actions, including the presentation about Movember initiative as a fantastic example how to address caring about the health in cooperation with NGO ´No to Cancer´ and how it positively impacted male employees.
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09:55 - 10:00
Coffee Break
10:00 - 11:00
Webinar with Asseco Ceit
In cooperation with our member Asseco CEIT, a.sโ€‹. as a professional guarantor, we have prepared a series of free webinars for you.This one is focused on Noise Analysis at Workplaces. Why do ...
In cooperation with our member Asseco CEIT, a.sโ€‹. as a professional guarantor, we have prepared a series of free webinars for you.

This one is focused on Noise Analysis at Workplaces. Why do you need it and what are the benefits?

Compensation for the difficult performance of work caused by noise generates unnecessary expenses for companies. Identifying the source of noise and its elimination is a huge benefit for all employees, especially if the source of noise can be eliminated easily. However, it is necessary to know its structure.

The webinar is going to provide answers to these questions:
How to identify and eliminate the dominant sources of noise and the directions of their propagation?
How to avoid hasty, expensive and ineffective attempts to reduce noise in the workplace?
Why is it important to know the structure of the noise sources?
How to locate and remove technical gas leaks using acoustic devices?

The webinar will be held in English.
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11:00 - 11:15
Closing Remarks


Jaguar Land Rover Slovakia

Horné lúky 4540/1, 949 01 Nitra
Nitra, Slovakia

If you have any questions please contact Lenka Nemeskalova

Contact Organizer

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