British Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic

The British Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic (BCCSR) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to creating and developing business relationships between the United Kingdom and the Slovak Republic. The BCCSR works diligently to forge new opportunities both foreign and domestic for its members while delivering events, building connections, and offering marketing solutions.

The British Chamber provides an ideal network for business people to facilitate dialogue and thus create opportunities for cooperative business ventures throughout Slovakia. The BCCSR is comprised of almost 120 corporations, small businesses, mid-sized companies, individual members and entrepreneurs representing the majority of business sectors within Central and Eastern Europe.

The British Chamber maintains a special interest in Public Affairs, Legal Services and Tax Development. As such, it regularly hosts events highlighting these key points of interest including workshops, seminars, and conferences. Other popular events include social, networking, and sporting events with underlying professional premises. The numerous activities the BCCSR delivers allows its members excellent targeted marketing opportunities while instilling a keen sense of camaraderie.

Contact us

Diana Pokornรก

Event Details

Video Marketing Trends on Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube at 10:00

Here's what you can find on webinar:

Video becomes an integral part of our being. People watch 180 million hours of video per day on YouTube. Therefore, you should take the video as a matter of course in your marketing strategy.

  • We'll show you tips and tricks on how to work with Facebook, Linkedin and YouTube video,
  • We'll talk about what works and how you should work with video content when you post it,
  • We'll also show you what a video post should look like.

All this on practical demonstrations and case studies. Interaction with participants as part of the training.

Please note, cancellations with refunds after 17. May 2020 will not be accepted and booked places will have to be paid in full.

The link to webinar will be sent to you, once you register.

ฤŒo sa na webinรกry dozviete:

Video sa stรกva neoddeliteฤพnou sรบฤasลฅou nรกลกho bytia. ฤฝudia si pozrรบ 180 miliรณnov hodรญn videa denne na YouTube. Preto by ste mali video vnรญmaลฅ ako samozrejmosลฅ vaลกej marketingovej stratรฉgii.

  • Ukรกลพeme si tipy a triky ako pracovaลฅ s videom na Facebooku, Linkedine a YouTube,
  • Povieme si ฤo funguje a ako by ste mali pracovaลฅ s video contentom pri jeho uverejลˆovanรญ,
  • Taktieลพ si ukรกลพeme ako by mal vyzeraลฅ prรญspevok, ktorรฉho obsahom je video.

To vลกetko na praktickรฝch ukรกลพkach a prรญpadovรฝch ลกtรบdiรกch. Interakcia s รบฤastnรญkmi sรบฤasลฅou ลกkolenia.


Martin Volek, MBA, PhD. (CEO of Volis International and Google Certified Trainer)

Martin Volek, MBA, PhD.

CEO of Volis International and Google Certified Trainer

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Standard Priceโ‚ฌ19

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Standard Priceโ‚ฌ38