This type of meeting offers participants a unique meeting place for the presentation of products and services of your company during a 10 minute face-to-face meeting, as well as the opportunity to discuss potential cooperation. Meetings are followed by a business cocktail.
16:00 - 16:30 Registration
16:30 - 16:40 Opening and clarification of the rules
16:40 - 18:00 Eight "speed meetings"
18:00 - 19:00 Business cocktail
The "Speed Business Meeting" will be held in ENGLISH (after agreement in another language).
Deadline for registration: 18th October 2019.
Cancellation of confirmed participation will not be accepted after 18th October 2019 and despite the absence at the event, the full amount of the participation will be invoiced.
The participation fee:
20 € for members of the organizing chambers, 35 € for non-members. The registration fee will be invoiced after the event.
Rules of the meeting:
Possibility of accommodation: 60 EUR per night, Breakfast included in the Health Spa Resort Espalande**** . If you are interested please make the booking here:, 033/775 7733. Password : Slovensko- rakuska obchodna komora.
Please, register online by 18th October 2019.
Please note that your email address can be shared with the partners of the event and used for BritCham internal purposes.
Hotel Health Spa Espalande
Kúpeľný ostrov 4411/30, 921 01 Piešťany-Kúpeľný ostrov
Piešťany, Slovakia
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