Keynote SpeakersKeynote Speakers

Race to Zero in Slovakia: BusinessRace to Zero in Slovakia: Business

Join the Race to Zero campaign and pave the way for a green economic recovery!

Race To Zero is a global initiative, backed by science-based targets, to commit businesses, cities, regions, investors and universities to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 at the very latest. The UK will host the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 in Glasgow in November and so far 190 governments, including the UK and Slovakia, have committed to net zero emissions by 2050.

The role of businesses is vital. To win this race, we need everyone on board. Let's cross the finish line together!

The conference will be opened by Zuzana Čaputová, President of the Slovak Republic and Nigel Topping, UK High Level Champion for Climate Action.

Date: 18th March 2021 9:00-13:00 CET

The event will be interpreted into Slovak.

Pripojte sa ku kampani Race to Zero a pripravte pôdu pre zelené hospodárske oživenie!

Race to Zero je globálna iniciatíva stojaca na vedecky podložených cieľoch, ktorá zaväzuje podniky, investorov, mestá, regióny a univerzity k dosiahnutiu uhlíkovej neutrality najneskôr do roku 2050. Spojené kráľovstvo bude v novembri v Glasgowe hostiteľom konferencie OSN COP26 v Glasgowe a 190 krajín, vrátane Spojeného kráľovstva a Slovenska sa zatiaľ zaviazalo k nulovým emisiám do roku 2050.

Firmy zohrávajú kľúčovú úlohu. V týchto pretekoch zvíťazime, iba ak sa zapojíme všetci. Dobehnime do cieľa spoločne!

Konferenciu otvorí prezidentka Slovenskej republiky Zuzana Čaputová

a britský vysoký predstaviteľ pre klímu Nigel Topping.

DATE: 18. marca 2021 od 9:00 do 13:00 SEČ


What is Race to Zero?

The Business Case for a Net Zero World

The Automotive Industry and the Net Zero Future

Financing Net Zero

The Net Zero through Circular Economy

SMEs for a Green Tomorrow

Closing Remarks

Sponsors and PartnersSponsors and Partners
