Event Details

Main organizer of conference:


Join us for the International Stakeholder Conference on June 19th, 2023, showcasing expertise in generational management at the workplace!

Participation is free. Conference language is English.

Register here, please:


Under the Keeping Employees on Board project, international partners have collected vast practical and scientific knowledge on innovative approaches to address challenges of today's workforce landscape.

Join us on 19th June 2023 in Bratislava – Old Town and explore with us the newest trends in addressing the pressing issues of digital literacy, workplace culture and innovation and adaptation, and their relevance for the 55+ workforce.


• Cutting-edge Research: Discover new insights on facilitating the transition from the work environment into a learning environment.

• Actionable Takeaways: Acquire strategies and upskilling pathways for 55+ employees into workplaces requiring 21st century skills.

• Q&A: Engage with our experts in dynamic conversations.

• Networking Opportunities: Connect with professionals and build valuable relationships.

Limited seats are available, so secure your spot soon!

Venue subject to change.


  • Presentation of the projects: "Keeping Employees on Board" and "Take Control of your Own Career"
  • 21th century skills - knowledge sharing in upper secondary school in Vienna Erich Rehberger (Head of HLW 19) and Susanne Böhm-Seethaler (ASEP)
  • Dutch National Police - succesfully becoming older at work. Annelies Groenhof (Dutch police officer) and ExpertPlus (NL)
  • Digidak Pro - the importance of digital literacy to stay successfully on board - examples of implementation Blenders (Belgium)
  • Die Zweite Bank - sustainability and social engagement. Working on a platform for the exchange of skills and values between generations Brigitte Guttmann (board member), Brigitta Schwarzer (ASEP) and Hans Humenberger (ASEP)
  • Learning is not a question of age, examples from Slovakia, Top Coach (Slovakia)
  • "Tele-Haase": A successful intergeneration exchange – benefit and motivation for all employees, Brigitta Schwarzer (ASEP) Andrea Maria Mayer (ASEP)
  • Panel discussion – Q&A


Hlavný organizátor podujatia:


S potešením Vás pozývame na medzinárodnú konferenciu o generačnom manažmente na pracovisku.

V rámci projektu Keeping Employees on Board medzinárodní partneri zhromaždili rozsiahle praktické a vedecké poznatky o inovatívnych prístupoch k riešeniu výziev súčasného pracovného prostredia.

Pridajte sa k nám 19. júna 2023 v Bratislave – Starom Meste a spoznajte spolu s nami najnovšie trendy v riešení naliehavých otázok digitálnej gramotnosti, kultúry na pracovisku a inovácií a adaptácie a ich význam pre pracovnú silu vo veku 55 a viac rokov.


  • Špičkový výskum: Objavte nové poznatky o uľahčení prechodu z pracovného do vzdelávacieho prostredia.
  • Využiteľné poznatky: Naučte sa stratégie a spôsoby zvyšovania kvalifikácie zamestnancov vo veku 55 a viac rokov na pracoviskách, ktoré si vyžadujú zručnosti 21. storočia.
  • Plodné diskusie: Zapojte sa do dynamických rozhovorov s našimi odborníkmi.
  • Nadväzovanie kontaktov: Spoznajte odborníkov v tejto oblasti a nadviažte cenné vzťahy.

Zaregistrovať sa môžete bezplatne tu:


Počet miest je obmedzený, preto si svoje miesto zarezervujte čo najskôr.

Konferencia sa uskutoční v anglickom jazyku.


Hotel Devin

Riečna 162
Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj, Slovakia

If you have any questions please contact Lenka Nemeskalova

Contact Organizer

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