
Health and Wellbeing during the Covid19 Pandemic
20 October 2021 (Wednesday)
9:00-11:00 am CET
The coronavirus pandemic has placed a huge strain on everyone's health and wellbeing and changed how we do business. We face new realities of working from home, temporary unemployment, home-schooling of children, and lack of physical contact with other family members, friends and colleagues. It is important that we build our recovery with sustainable solutions and look after our mental and physical health.
As the winter months approach, the business community is still learning to manage COVID-19. Organizations are having to keep up with changing COVID protocols, while, ideally, anticipating and preparing for future health issues. With this in mind, we bring together the public and private sector to share factual information, to learn more about the Covid automat and to minimise disruption and help businesses prepare for the next wave of Covid-19. We are also exploring further cooperation on how to leverage the Covid experience in Slovakia to help build a sustainable and resilient healthcare system, centred on the Slovak patient, and supported by private and public partnerships.
Live and Online event
8:30-9:00 Registration (for participants joining in person)
Opening remarks
9:00-9:05 HM British Ambassador Nigel Baker
Keynote speakers
9:05-9:15 Róbert Babeľa, State Secretary, Ministry of Health SR - tbc
9:15-9:35 Martin Pavelka, Epidemiologist, Ministry of Health SR (introduction to Covid Automat)
9:35 – 11:00 Roundtable discussion
· Martin Pavelka, Epidemiologist, Ministry of Health SR
· Andreas Schuster, Cluster General Manager, Ensana Health Spa Hotels, Slovenské liečebné kúpele Piešťany and Smrdáky
· Daren Wilson, General Manager Roche Slovakia
· Kuuno Vaher, CE Cluster Director, AstraZeneca
Moderator: Martin Smatana, Associate Fellow, Health, Economic Growth and Sustainability Programme
11:00 Online event ends.
The link to the online event will be circulated closer to the event date.
The event will be interpreted into Slovak.
The event is free to attend.
The link to join online -
If you want to participate ONLINE please register via this platform.
Ak sa chcete zúčastniť online, zaregistrujte sa prostredníctvom tejto platformy.
Important information: Hotel Esplanada operates the OTP entry requirements (vaccinated / tested / after overcoming COVID). Entrance will be possible only for people with complete vaccination, valid test or after overcoming the disease of the COVID. The use of FFP2 respirators is mandatory.