Event Details

The British Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic in cooperation with the Netherlands British Chamber of Commerce (NBCC) gladly invite you to a virtual UKCA meeting on Thursday 10th March 2022 14:00-15:00 CET.

During this meeting, we will inform you about the UKCA (UK Conformity Assessment) mark, which will be required from 1st January 2023. UKCA is the new UK product marking that will be required for certain products being placed on the market in Great Britain (this excludes Northern Ireland). It covers most products that previously required the CE mark. 

This session aims to be an informative webinar for British and EU companies on what steps you need to take to prepare for UKCA marking and also gives answers to what products will fall under the scope of the UKCA marking. 

Please find the programme below. We will also have time after each presentation to take your questions.


  • 14:00 Introductory remarks - Lyne Biewinga - NBCC
  • 14:05 UKCA/CE marking - Christopher Smart - Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy
  • 14:20 What you need to know about UKCA โ€“ Paul van Meggelen - BSI
  • 14:45 Case study - Ingrid van Weert - Philips
  • 14:55 Closing remarks - Lyne Biewinga - NBCC
  • 15:00 Close

Moderator: Lyne Biewinga, NBCC

๏ปฟThis webinar is for: 

  • Business who have a role or involvement in the manufacturing or supply of CE or UKCA market goods onto the Great Britain market;
  • Trade associations and organisations representing sectors which require the CE or UKCA marking.

The webinar will take place via Zoom.

Participation is free.

Language: English


Please register before 8th March 2022.

๏ปฟThe link to the webinar will be sent after registration.

We look forward to welcoming you to our virtual event. 
