
The Leading Role of Sustainable Buildings and Green Energy
in Slovakia's Economic Recovery
27 October 2021 (Wednesday)
9:00-11:00 am CET
Venue: SPP Bratislava, Congress Hall Dunaj II, Mlynské nivy 44C, Bratislava
Climate change affects us all, so we all have a duty to take steps to tackle it. The Slovak government has committed to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 at a national level and towns and cities have a vital role to play at local level too. Delivering on the goals of the Paris Agreement presents a unique opportunity to create a more inclusive place for us to live, work, study and raise our families. Cities' economies have suffered dramatically during the Covid19 pandemic. In the race to become net zero, cities can make a huge difference on their own when they take bold climate action, leading the way towards a healthier, more sustainable future.
Buildings are one of the largest consumers of energy in cities and they are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions – cities cannot meet climate targets without optimising building energy efficiency. London is providing inspiration to cities around the world as it was amongst the first cities globally to publish a plan to deliver the highest ambition of the Paris Agreement and make London carbon zero by 2030.
We have companies in our Chamber that are leaders in their sectors, with exciting, award-winning projects. With the EU recovery budget approved this event will provide insights into how cities can help Slovakia achieve its net zero targets and help businesses to build back better, in a sustainable way.
Hybrid event
8:30-9:00 Registration (for participants joining in person)
Opening remarks
9:00-9:05 HM British Ambassador Nigel Baker
Keynote speakers:
Roundtable discussion:
9:35 – 11:00
Moderator: Pavol Kukura, Chairman of the Board at Slovak Green Building Council
11:00 – 12:00
link for the online evet - Launch Meeting - Zoom
Important note: Automotive COVID mode: OTP (vaccinated / tested / after overcoming COVID). Entrance will be possible only for people with complete vaccination, valid test or after overcoming the disease of the COVID. The use of FFP2 respirators is mandatory.